
monte del sale architetture e interni mediterranei edifici ad alta efficienza progettazione arredi
  • Design
    Our approach to every project begins with two fundamental elements, one of them being the understanding of the client’s expectations and needs, and the other one the analysis of the existing structural situation.
    Whether we are talking about an existing building with its historical character or we are dealing with a new build, we have to understand its potential impact on the surroundings and the kind of forms (formal language) that we can use to merge with this
    The starting point is always the site survey, an opportunity  to discover and understand the character of the building and the location in which it is set, allowing these elements to suggest to us what they might become.
    Dealing with a stone building in a such a sensitive landscape, where it is almost impossible to separate the work carried out by people from that of nature, necessarily means coming into close contact with the history of the people of Puglia. The knowledge that each stone has been quarried, cut and worked by expert hands, makes you feel you are touching the heritage of time. Trulli, masserie andstone buildings are precious, buildings where million-year-old material has been crafted piece by piece  to create a unique and unrepeatable piece of art, a masterpiece in the shape of a house. 
    Developing a project in a rural area means dealing with different levels of rural conservation regulations, that often overlap one another. Beginning at a local level, which is imposed by the local authority ( PRG, PUG, PdF) , there is also the Regional Landscape and Territorial Plan (Piano Paesaggistico Territoriale Regionale) at a regional level. There is then water resources legislation that is handled at a trans regional level (Autorità di Bacino), and protection of the native animal species and habitats listed in the two Community Nature Protection Directives and these are just the more common ones. A series of countryside protection legislation that  while being both legitimate and necessary, is nevertheless very complicated.  Any non-compliance can be considered a criminal offence.
    The design of a new project always starts with a pencil and a blank piece of paper, where we begin to give a shape to an idea, an image in our mind that helps us to better understand the concept or enables usto communicate them to the client. This is the magical part of our work, while dealing with the bureaucracy and regulations is our daily battle to make your dreams come true.


    • dal modello 
    • al progetto 
    • dal modello 
    • al progetto 
    • dal modello 
    • al progetto 
    • studio particolari - portoncino mercantile 
    • progetto porticato 
    • studio particolari - infisso a vetrina 
    • volta in tufo  
    • studio dei particolari - infisso interno esistente 
    • muratura tufo 
    • sezione trullo esistente e cisterna 
    • studio prospetto 
    • studio copertura 
    • studio prospetti 
    • particolare marsigliese 
    • studio volumetrico 

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